Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Life in the 1930's for the Jews

  Life was hard back in the 1930's for the Jews. They were tourturured to death, put in gas chambers, worked to death. This was called the Halacaust, this is the death of millions of Jews, they did nothing it was unfair to them and their families. Their families pretty much all died if they were dark, gay, mixed, homosexual, it was hard to live like that. If you were not put in a gas Chamber, you had were made to put a gold star on your jacket or clothes which means "Jew" and you were sent to camp to be worked to death until you died but, if you were a baby or weak you were killed instantly.
 There are also certain laws that Jews have to obey like: They could not have buisnesses. In the 1930 Hitler, the leader was very mean he did all this to these poor humans. They are humans they do not deserve to be treated like that. We are all the same. We should not be judged by weither we are gay, homosexual, mixed, german or anything really, It is just horrid and heartbreaking.
 If you read this I hope you feel the way I feel about this horrid era of time. It is not godly to do this to people. Close your eyes, Imagine this life being shifted away from your cozy, warm  millions of times, taking posin showers, being worked to death. Take a miniute and picture this, pray for these people, who half of them have lost their lives in this horribe era of time.

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