Thursday, October 27, 2011

My Heaven

      Today I got a new perspective on life and how to act and veiw your life. It kind of relates to my title
 "My Life In My Perspective." What that title means, not only you or me but, to everyone in the world is don't veiw your life in a way you WISH it would have happed. Veiw it as it is today. Take in every moment that you have for one day you will not be here. No one lives forever in the world but, they do live forever in others hearts.
      I watching a movie today that really touched my heart. It was called " What Dreams May Come." It is about a devoted father and husband who was a doctor who was living with his wonderful wife whom he met on a lake while a slight boat bump and their two loving, caring kids. One morning they woke up it was a normal morning so they thought, the parents of the two kids did not know that they were going to a funeral and in fact it was their kids funeral whom had died in a car crash. They went to what we know as heaven and it was a magical place. It was like being sent to a magical out of this world place with ponies, plants and more. The father dies and goes to heaven next and then from there on is a total mystery. You are going to have to watch the movie to find out.
    It was a very spiritual, moving, very powerful movie. Of course it was sad  so I would give it an 90% out of 100%. But, that is just me and everyone has opinions on movies. I was very touched by the graphics. Amazing color and excitement. It will definitly take you on a journey. Just remember life is not about the things we have or the tough times in life it is about spending time with family because for one day we will all not be here on this earth so face every moment as an experience worth living.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Life in the 1930's for the Jews

  Life was hard back in the 1930's for the Jews. They were tourturured to death, put in gas chambers, worked to death. This was called the Halacaust, this is the death of millions of Jews, they did nothing it was unfair to them and their families. Their families pretty much all died if they were dark, gay, mixed, homosexual, it was hard to live like that. If you were not put in a gas Chamber, you had were made to put a gold star on your jacket or clothes which means "Jew" and you were sent to camp to be worked to death until you died but, if you were a baby or weak you were killed instantly.
 There are also certain laws that Jews have to obey like: They could not have buisnesses. In the 1930 Hitler, the leader was very mean he did all this to these poor humans. They are humans they do not deserve to be treated like that. We are all the same. We should not be judged by weither we are gay, homosexual, mixed, german or anything really, It is just horrid and heartbreaking.
 If you read this I hope you feel the way I feel about this horrid era of time. It is not godly to do this to people. Close your eyes, Imagine this life being shifted away from your cozy, warm  millions of times, taking posin showers, being worked to death. Take a miniute and picture this, pray for these people, who half of them have lost their lives in this horribe era of time.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Little more God :)

People in my life may not be perfect but they are guaranteed Gods' love and wisdom! When I stay up at night curled in a ball crying and I feel like I want to just shut down because of these headaches, I put my hands in a prayer posisiton and I pray. I pray that god will help the people I love most. Some may cause me pain, some may make me laugh, some may even make me smile , but deep down inside everyone needs prayer, everyone needs God! I may not be the most perfect, glamourous teen out there in the world but let me just say this - God doesn't want perfect!  Rules are meant to be followed, but mistakes make you stronger in life, without them we are just a perfect world, but even though that may sound nice and peaceful, that is not what we actually want to live our life in! Perfect is whhen you make mistakes, you realize that you made those mistakes and you ask God for forgiveness! He is the one, the only mentor of our lives. PERFECT does not exist in life. God is Wisdom, He is our mentor! To those people who are having trouble in their lives like me and feel like crying, just think about God. Pray every night, pray every chance you get! Dont let the tough time bring you down like a ton of bricks on your shoulders! The Lord is the Almighty King and He is ALWAYS with you no matter whwere you are or where you are going! You should always love no matter what even though it may be hard to do. Live your life like there will be no Tomorrow!